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Chester Football Club is available for hire all year round, whether you are looking to book a conference, birthday party or a wedding.
There are two floors available for hire, both featuring bar.

Dougherty and Allen initially took on catering for the match day hospitality and running of the kiosks. This has been ever growing relationship and as of the end of 2017 we have taken over the bar management and all the in-house catering for various events held at the Chester Football Club. We truly believe giving back to the community and therefore are doing our utmost best to assist Chester Football Club with necessary expertise in delivering match day hospitality and day to day event running and bar service.

For our event menus at CFC please visit http://www.chesterfc.com/events
Any queries related to booking can be sent through on our enquiries section or by contacting us direct on our email info@doughertyandallen.com


Contact Us

Dougherty & Allen

Unit 8, The Tardis
Borders Industrial Park
River Lane

Tel: 01244 675 715

Email: info@doughertyandallen.com

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01244 675 715